Empowering Foster Youth through Oregon Public Education

Our Mission

We seek to establish and provide funding of $1M for two years to implement a pilot project, blending school-based programming with partner support. Through this program, we aim to track towards reaching a 75% high school graduation rate amongst youth in foster care.

Young girl running down school hallway

Of the more than 8,640 Oregon youth who experience foster care, only 42% graduate from high school.

Young teacher helping student at desk in classroom

Our Solution

Implement a full-time Educational Navigator in state middle and high schools dedicated to guiding and supporting youth in foster care through an educational program and facilitating the learning of life skills on a consistent basis. Through this work, we will help build healthy, productive adults and leaders in our communities.

Close up of a teen girl holding books earbuds in

Our Work

Our work will begin at McDaniel High School in the Fall 2024, and incorporate Albany’s Timber Ridge Middle School and South Medford High School. Our aim is to increase attendance, improve behaviors and increase credit attainment for youth experiencing foster care through dedicated services. This project will include close partnerships with local schools, school districts, ODHS, ODHS caseworkers and foster parents. The total funding will span four years and cover all three schools.

Our Partners

Karyn C. Schimmels, MPA

Foster Care Aware Partner

Make a Donation

Your support will make a lasting impact on the lives of young people. We thank you for helping us move one step closer to our goal.
